For your seminar in Gironde, strengthen the links between your colleagues by gathering them around a common cause. On a 30-hectare estate, between forests and pastures, come and recharge your batteries in this beneficial nature while learning to preserve it.
Ecology, respect for the environment and responsible practices are major issues in our modern societies. In companies, they unite each employee around a project and give them a sense of purpose. The younger generations expect their companies to be both ecologically and socially aware.
In a green setting, on the borders of the Landes de Gascogne and the Garonne, we work every day to preserve the surrounding woods and meadows. Among colleagues, come and learn and discover together gestures and activities to reconnect with nature, and preserve it.
Your Seminar
Defending a just cause and implementing responsible practices will reinforce the adhesion to your project and the cohesion between each of your employees. Studies have shown that an eco-responsible environment is beneficial for workers, their health, their happiness and their productivity.
The benefits of our seminar are numerous for the participants but also for your group. During this seminar, go back to basics, learn to consume differently, not to waste and to change your habits for a healthier and more responsible consumption mode.
The numerous workshops and activities set up have for objective to weld the bonds between your collaborators but also to sensitize them to the question of the ecology by giving them advice on the gestures to adopt.
In this green framework where nature is queen, it is even easier to understand the importance of a responsible consumption mode On vacation, you will be invested with a new mission, that of making your daily life greener and of inculcating these values to your close relations or your partners.
The activities
For our eco-responsible seminar, we propose activities at the same time resourcing and enriching. These social and ecological activities aim to have an impact on the cohesion of your group and on each of the participants.
Go on a hike with visually impaired people or sick children. This unique experience is an excellent way to improve the cohesion between each of your employees and to share strong emotions.
Reconnect with nature by planting trees and taking a forest bath. The energy of the trees will surely relax you and make this moment memorable.
You can also learn to build your Kodema. This Japanese art consists in integrating plants, mosses and earth in a sphere in order to create a plant composition that will make your office happy.
Then participate in "La Fresque du Climat", a playful and creative workshop about climate change and its consequences.
During your seminar, you will also have the chance to taste tasty local and natural products.
Reconnecting to nature and to others, these are the key words of our seminar. On the estate, where nature dominates, get back to basics, strengthen your cohesion and refocus on more responsible practices.